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TOEFL Independent speaking/Academic discussion topic: value of history

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It's important to remember and learn from the past?

response 1

I believe it's really important to learn from the past. History gives us valuable lessons about how people behave and how societies work. It helps us understand why things happened and teaches us important lessons for today. For example, look at how nationalism and protectionism are coming back in many countries, like they did before World War II. This is worrying because history shows us that these ideas can lead to wars for power and resources. We're also seeing leaders who want to close off their countries from the rest of the world, which is similar to what happened before the last big war. And with nuclear weapons and our economies all connected, things are even more complicated now. So, we need to learn from history and focus on talking things out, working together, and solving problems peacefully to avoid making the same mistakes again.

TOEFL: Don't repeat the same mistakes

response 2

Karl Marx famously said that history repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce. An example of this pattern can be seen in the rise and fall of authoritarian regimes. The tragedy unfolded during the 20th century with the emergence of brutal dictators like Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin, whose oppressive rule caused immense suffering, wars, and genocides. In contrast, the farce is evident in more recent times with the rise of populist leaders who borrow tactics from past dictators. However, the consequences of this populist movement are far from comical; they pose serious risks akin to the tragic events of history. This repetition of history emphasizes the importance of remembering past lessons and being vigilant against authoritarian tendencies. 

response 3

I believe that history plays a critical role in nurturing our cultural identity and heritage. When we preserve and honor historical narratives, traditions, and achievements, we deepen our sense of belonging and respect for different cultures. Take Martin Luther King Jr. Day, for instance. It's not just about honoring one man's fight for civil rights, but it's also a reminder of how far we've come in battling racial injustice. This celebration inspires us to keep pushing for equality and fairness in our communities, bringing people together regardless of their backgrounds. 

TOEFL: respect

response 4

I strongly believe that understanding history is essential for preserving our cultural roots and identity. Take, for example, the traditional Korean harvest festival, Chuseok, which has been a significant part of my life. Each year, my family comes together to honor our ancestors, sharing food and performing ancestral rites. Through these traditions, I've learned about the values of family respect, gratitude, and community that define Korean culture. Celebrating Chuseok not only strengthens family ties but also connects me to the wider Korean community and its vibrant past. This personal experience underscores the importance of embracing our cultural heritage to maintain a strong sense of who we are and where we come from.

TOEFL: vale of history: cultural heritage

response 5

When it comes to the value of learning from history, I am immediately reminded of Tevye, a Jewish milkman from "Fiddler on the Roof," and his song "Tradition." As a Jewish man, he needs to find husbands for his three grown daughters. In doing this, he grapples with the challenges of maintaining tradition amidst societal changes. The first daughter wants to marry a very poor Jewish man, the second daughter wants to marry a Marxist in Siberia, and the third daughter wants to marry a blond-haired Russian man! In all these challenging situations, he reflects on how to keep his traditions while finding the best course of action for his daughters. Tevye's reflections on the conflict between tradition and the new forces from socio-political-cultural changes remind me of the importance of resilience in preserving our cultural identity through overcoming challenges.

TOEFL: value of history; resilience